As a modern day shaman, I use color, brush strokes and form to resurrect ghosts from forgotten images. Photography was once a selective medium as the cost of cameras and film was prohibitive for most and confined photo taking only to special occasions. Today's technology, such as cell phone photography, makes photo taking just a finger tap away, allowing people to freely take hundreds of photos on an ordinary day. I use vintage photographs as inspiration for my paintings in order to bring life to the ghosts of long lost images. Through art, these departed subjects are heightened back to their former glory. I use images from the 1940’s and 50’s because they depict an era that is locked in our collective minds as a better time. Though the truth is not as simple, the myth of these prosperous years is an interesting lens to reflect our current times. My name is Nick Douillard. I am an artist and filmmaker living in Los Angeles with my wife, son, and dog.